Jeepster offers these tidbits: To use the numeric.hlp, simply unzip it into your mIRC directory. The numeric.hlp file is now formatted for use with specific Windows 3.1 or Windows95 enviroments, be sure to have the correct version for your Windows Enviroment. The zip file for Windows 3.1 is (16 bit) The zip file for Windows95 is (32 bit) The other files in the zip allow for browsing URL's mentioned in the numeric help file by clicking on them. This will start your browser if it isn't already on and go to the URL specified. setbrows.exe is only used if you have more than one Web Browser on your system and wish to specify a particular one or if you recieve an error message requesting you to specify a browser. It is unlikely you will need it. Please read the Disclaimer section, and as long as your at it, take a peek at the acknowledgements. For more information concerning the use of this numeric and its browser abilities read the Installing and Using section of the help file. Jeepster